For elementary students, physical science lesson may seems boring and you as the teacher need to create fun ways to introduce it to them. Of course it’s challenging but you can make interesting experiments so they can pay full attention to you.
The first experiment plan that will make them think that physical science lesson should not be missed is related to marble. Prepare marble, a cup of water, and baby talc. Next, put the marble into the water and ask your students to take the marble neither get wet or move the cup. Let them use any method until they give up. Show the right way then by pouring the talc into the cup and spread the talc in your hand. Take the marble and your hand still dry because the substance inside the talc makes seal with water.
Second experiment, prepare lifesaver and dark room. Ask your students to place it in their mouth and they will see that their mouth glow in the dark. The saliva makes the light last longer. Last, to study static electricity, you can do electric comb. Prepare a comb and rub it in your students’ hair for a few times. Then, bring it to the small pieces of paper and they will feel amazed because almost all papers stick on the comb.